
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rabbit year covers and Post cards 1

These are the Rabbit year cover and post cards from Canada.
This Post card traveled to India from 07.01.2011 to 24.01.2011.It was posted to me by Emilia from Canada
 Rabbit Miniature sheet fixed on the post card
 This cover is from Canada by Christos, which traveled to India from 07.01.2011 to 24.01.2011
Post Marks and stamps on the cover 

Two covers from Josip ( Croatia)

This cover traveled from Croatia to India from 11.01.2011 to 19.01.2011

This cover traveled from Croatia to India from 14.01.2011 to 24.01.2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul Visit America during the year 1979. Following are the covers specially issued by the US post to commemorate his visit through out US.